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Freestanding Battenberg Lace Heart Doily Set #17473

These are instructions on how to embroider the Freestanding Battenberg Lace Heart Doilies from the #17473 Set.
There are 2 versions of the doily - one with a fabric center and another with the lace stitches.
Stitch-outs of 2 doilies from the set.

Stitches: 30517 Stitches: 34771
Size: 199.5 x 198.9 mm Size: 199.5 x 198.9 mm
Colors: 3/3
Stitch-outs of the doilies from the set.
Stabilizers: We recommend to use water-soluble mesh, such as Vilene. Vilene D0102 is a non-woven dissolvable stabilizer which is imported into the US, is sold in large rolls and is sometimes packaged under different brand names. Some of these brand names are Fabri-Solvy by Sulky, Avalon Plus by Madeira, Wash-Away, and Aqua Magic.

Film-like water soluble stabilizers, such as Solvy by Sulky, Avalon by Madeira and Badge Master are not suitable for Free-Standing Lace embroidery.

Threads: The thinner the thread, the finer the final product will be. That is why for this project we recommend machine quilting cotton thread, which gives bulk to the lace and makes it look hand-made.

Embroidery polyester thread will make very fine web-like lace.

Embroidery rayon thread is too soft, it does not keep its shape and often its color will fade under the influence of chemicals from the water-soluble mesh.

You can use 40-, 50- or even 60-weight cotton, and you can use it both in the bobbin and in the needle. If you use 40-weight cotton thread for the needle, you shoul use 50- or 60-weight cotton in the bobbin.

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The drawback of cotton thread is lint. Please don't forget to clean the machine with a soft brush or compressed air after each embroidery.

To get two-sided embroidery, use threads of the same color in the needle and in the bobbin.

A close-up of the stitches

Needles: We use size 80/12 embroidery needles and 80/12 metallic needles. Our experience shows that cotton thread used with metallic needles gives less lint. The needles should be sharp, so it's advisable to change them often.
Most Importantly: ALWAYS make a test stitch-out and wash away the stabilizer. This helps you to select the threads, needles, stabilizers and settings of your machine correctly. It's very important to select the correct thread tension!
You can read more about how to embroider Battenberg lace in our tutorial.
Embroidering the doily with fabric center:
Hoop 1-2 layers of watersoluble mesh. Tighten the hoop. Upload the file "BattLaceHeartV1" into the machine.
Cover the hoop with a piece of fabric.
Start the machine. The first color will embroider the outline of the central part over the fabric.
Cover the hoop with a piece of fabric.
With a pair of sharp scissors cut away the excess fabric around the outline.
Cut away the fabric around the outline.
Return the hoop to the machine and finish embroidery.
Finished doily with the fabric center.
Washing out the Stabilizer:
Rinsing away the stabilizer is also an important step, because the lace can be stretched or distorted if this is done incorrectly. We recommend to use a foam board and stainless pins.

Cut away the excess stabilizer close to the stitches. Take your time and carefully pin every single loop on the lace's outer edge to the board.

Now place the board into a bowl with luke-warm water. Leave the board in the water for at least half an hour. Change the water a couple of times.

Take the board out of the water and leave to air dry. Do not unpin the lace until it's completely dry.

Photo demonstrating how to pin machine embroidered lace to a foam board for further washing out of the stabilizer
This stitch-out is used for demonstation purposes only.
Finished doily with lace center.

Have fun!
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