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T-Shirts for 18-inch dolls with Halloween-Themed Embroidery

In this project, we show how to use the designs from the Halloween Miniature Set to transform a plain T-shirt into a beautiful and unique item. You can use either a store-bought doll T-shirt or sew it yourself.

We purchased these adorable T-shirts for 18-inch dolls from (affiliate link) and decorated them using the miniatures from the set.
Dolls in t-shirts decorated with Halloween-themed embroidery
You will need
  • embroidery thread (either polyester or rayon),
  • Light-weight cut-away stabilizer,
  • a doll-size T-shirt of any color,
  • sewing thread,
  • scissors and iron with steam.
The tiny designs from the Halloween Miniature Set are very easy to embroider.
The main challenge is hooping a doll t-shirt.
We strongly recommend to ALWAYS HOOP THE FABRIC with A STABILIZER and tight the hoop.
We used the following process:
1. Take, or cut, a sheet of light-weight cut-away stabilizer, large enough to be safely hooped in a 4" x 4" frame.
2. Open the back closure on the t-shirt and pin the t-shirt to the stabilizer.
A doll t-shirt pinned to a sheet of stabilizer.

3. Using 3-4 mm stitch baste the t-shirt to the stabilizer. You can also do this by hand. Baste the front of the t-shirt along all 4 sides, and baste the backs along the hemlines.
The doll t-shirt basted to the stabilizer.

4. Choose the designs you want to embroider. Mark the position of the embroidery on the front of the t-shirt. If you have a printer and embroidery software, print-outs of the designs can be helpful. If you do not, you can cut out rectangles of the same size as the designs and arrange them on the fabric to determine the position of the embroidery.
The paper prints of the designs on a t-shirt.
5. Hoop the t-shirt with the stabilizer. Check that the embroidery area (front of the t-shirt) is flat. Tighten the hoop.
6. Embroider the designs one by one.
Remove the basting stitches. Cut away the excess stabilizer around the stitch-outs. Press, if needed.
A close-up of a doll t-shirt with Jack-o-Lantens.

Close-up of a t-shirt with witche's hat. cat and broom design.

You can find how to embroider and sew the Halloween Candy Corn Skirt and Top on its project page.
3 dolls in Halloween costumes decorated with embroidery.

Have Fun!
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