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Christmas Chair Back Covers with Snowflake Embroidery
We have a large selection of snowflake designs in different styles that wouldbe suitable for this project, for example Snowflake Set #30211, Geometric Snowflake Set # 30128, Hearts and Flowers Snowflake Set # 30125, Shades of Winter Snowflake Set #30113, Snowflake Set #16461. We used the designs from the one-color Snowflake Set. All designs in this set are for the small hoop (4" x 4").
Christmas Chair Covers with snowflake embroidery

You will need :
  • embroidery threads either polyester or rayon,
  • craft felt, red and white, (the amount of felt you need depends on the size and number of your chairs),
  • white pom-poms, about 4" in diameter, or white acrylic yarn to make pom-poms and tapestry needle,
  • light-weight embroidery stabilizer,
  • rotary cutter or scissors,
  • #12-14 sewing needle,
  • sewing thread of matching colors,
  • chalk or fabric marker and quilter's ruler.
Measure the circumference of the chair back at its widest part. Divide the measurement by 2 and add 1" for ease and seams.
Thus the circumference of our chair is 41". Divided by 2 = 20 1/2", plus 1" = 21 1/2". We round it up to 22".
Measure the circumference of the chair back in its widest part.

On red felt, with chalk or marker, draw a square measuring 22" x 22".
Measure 7" from the top edge and draw a line across the square, dividing into a top and bottom rectangles.
Christmas Chair Covers

Mark the center point of the top edge. Measure 1" to each side of the mark.
Christmas Chair Covers
Connect the bottom corners of the top rectangle with the marks on the upper edge.
Christmas Chair Covers
Cut out. Using this pattern, cut out as many parts as you need. You need 2 for each chair.
Christmas Chair Covers
Out of white felt, for each cover, cut 2 strips measuring 10" x 22" (or the width of the chair). This part should be of the same width as the red part.

Sew the white strips to the lower edges of the red parts. Seam allowance 1/2".
Open the seam and top-stitch 1/4" on each side of the seam.
Christmas Chair Covers
Distribute the snowflake patterns on the red part of the working piece. Use light-weight embroidery stabilizer. Embroider the designs one by one.

Position 2 parts together, face inside, align all edges. Pin.
Topstitch along the sides, leaving the lower side open. Seam allowance about 1/2".
Fold the white strip in half using it to cover the seam between the red and white felt. Pin. Topstitch in place.

Turn the working piece right side out. Sew a pom-pom to the point.
Finished cover on a chair.

If you do not have a pom-pom, use white yarn to make it. There are different methods to make a pom-pom, here is the easiest and fastest one.
Tuck the end of yarn between the index and middle fingers. Start wrapping the yarn around 4 fingers leaving the thumb free.
Remove the yarn from fingers.

Tie the center with a separate length of yarn, leaving the ends about 10" long. Shape the pom-pom.
Finished cover on a chair.

Insert the ends into a tapestry needle and secure the pom-pom to the hat tip.
Finished cover on a chair.

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