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Happy Halloween Wall Hanging

This whimsical Fall-themed wall hanging is fun and easy to sew, It features the designs the Pumpkin Man andfrom the Autumn Decorative Leaves Set.

The finished size of the quilt is about 16" x 21" .

Besides embroidery thread (either polyester or rayon), you will need
  • medium-weight iron-on cut-away stabilizer,
  • 4 cotton fabrics in autumn colors (we chose light orange, green marble, brown marble and mustard marble) - 1 fat quarter each,
  • fabric for the backing,
  • batting,
  • bias binding (you can use ready-made bias tape or make it yourself).
Cutting and Sewing the Right and Upper Borders:
Please note that this quilt isn't supposed to be perfectly measured out. You will get similar, but not 100% identical results.
For the central part of the quilt choose the lightest of your fabrics (ours was mustard marble) and cut a rectangle measuring 12" x 15". Out of the fabric for the right border, cut a strip measuring about 3" x 15".

Position the strip over the right edge of the rectangle, which should be 15" long. The fabrics should overlap 1". Either with sharp scissors, or better with a rotary cutter, cut a curving line through both layers.
Remove the extra scraps. You will be left with 2 pieces that have a complementary curve to them.
Position the fabric face to face. Baste, or pin, the curved edges. Stitch the pieces together. Unfold and press.
Repeat to make the upper border out of the green marble fabric.
Cutting and Sewing the Left and Lower Borders.
For these borders, out of orange fabric, cut 2 strips measuring 5 1/2" x 18". Out of two other fabrics (we used the yellow-green-brown fabric and green marbled fabric), cut 1 strip each of the same size (5 1/2" x 18").
Place an orange strip, face up, cover it with a marbled green strip, face up.
Happy Halloween Quilt
Position a ruler at an angle over the strips and cut through both layers to get uneven strips.
Happy Halloween Quilt
Sew the left green strip to the right orange strip. Sew the right green strip to the left orange strip.
Happy Halloween Quilt
With a ruler and rotary cutter, cross-cut the 2-color strips into short strips.
Happy Halloween Quilt
Repeat with the remaining 2 strips (orange and marble brown).
Happy Halloween Quilt
Arrange the strips, alternating the colors. Except for the colors, the size and position of the strips doesn't matter. Sew the strips together into a 14"-15" long curved border.
Happy Halloween Quilt
Position the border over the lower edge of the quilt top. The fabric should overlap. With a rotary cutter cut through the quilt top so that its edge follows the curves of the border. This doesn't have to be perfect.

Sew the lower border in place.
Happy Halloween Quilt
Assemble the remaining small 2-color strips into a left border measuring about 21"-22" long.

Attach the right border in the same way as the lower border.
Happy Halloween Quilt
Mark the position of the embroidery on the quilt top. Stabilize the fabric with iron-on cut-away stabilizer.

Embroider the Pumpkin Man and leaves from the Autumn Decorative Leaves Set..

Quilting and finishing.
Spread the backing on your table, face down. Cover the backing with batting. Cover with the working piece. Pin all three layers together with 1" pins.

We quilted around the embroidery and all over the quilt in a free-motion style. Remove the pins while quilting.

Press the work with heavy steam and trim the edges - remove the excess batting and backing. Finish the raw edges with binding. Please remember that for curves you need a bias binding.
You can further decorate the quilt with the free-standing leaves from the FSL Autumn Leaves Set.

Your wall hanging is ready! Enjoy!

Happy Stitching!
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