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Suede iPad Case with Embroidery

iPads, Kindles and other tablets are become increasingly popular, as are accessories for them. A monogrammed case such as the one described in this project is quick to make and adds a distinct and personal touch that stands out from the crowd.

The designs used for the pouch are letters from the Celtic Alphabet and Celtic Motif Set.
The finished size of the pouch is about 8 1/2" x 11".

Suede iPad Case with Embroidery image 1

You will need:

  • a piece of thin leather, suede or pleather,
  • a piece of cotton velveteen,
  • thick sewing intefacing, such as Pellon Peltex 72,
  • white removable marker, and
  • leather or universal glue.
For embroidery, we used self-adhesive Sulky stabilizer and polyester embroidery thread.

Suede iPad Case with Embroidery image 2


Cut out a leather strip measuring 10" x 25".

Fold it in half widthwise. With a white removable marker and ruler mark the bottom line.
On the bottom line, mark the center (5" from each side).

Suede iPad Case with Embroidery image 3

Also mark points 1/2" from each edge (4 1/2" from the center) both at the top and bottom. Draw parallel lines through those marks.

Suede iPad Case with Embroidery image 4

Unfold. Measure 1/2" from the bottom line in each direction and draw 2 lines parallel to the bottom line.

Next, measure 10 1/2" from the bottom line in each direction and draw 2 lines parallel to the bottom line.

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With the help of the ruler and the marker, find and mark the center of each panel. The easiest way is to draw two diagonals.

Print out screenshots of the patterns. Cut them out and mark the center of each design on the panels.

Please don't forget that the designs should be oriented with their lower edges towards the bottom line.

Hoop the stabilizer.

Suede iPad Case with Embroidery image 6

Remove the protective paper. Attach the leather strip to the adhesive so that the position you marked for the center of the design lies in the center of the hoop.

This is very important, so take extra care to get it right.

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Using a new needle, thread the machine and do the embroidery.
This is the stitch-out on the back panel.

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There are 3 designs used on the front panel. We had to re-hoop twice to embroider them all. We embroidered the initials in one hooping and the upper design in the second hooping.

The lining:

For the lining, out of velveteen, cut a strip measuring 9" x 22".
Fold the strip widthwise, face inside, and stitch the sides closed with seam allowance slightly larger than 1/4".


Measure the embroidered leather strip again to be sure that its width is 9" within the marked margins. It's possible that after doing the embroidery, you'll have to re-draw the margins a little bit.

Place the iPad on a piece of thick interfacing, screen down, and with a graphic pencil trace it's outline. Cut out 2 interfacing panels.

Suede iPad Case with Embroidery image 9

Coat the interfacing panels with a small amount of leather or universal glue.
Spread the embroidered piece on the table, face down, glue the interfacing panels to the back of the embroidered strip. Each panel should be 1/2" from the bottom line and 1/2" from the side margins.
Place a weight on the interfacing and leave the glue to dry.

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Fold the strip widthwise, face inwards. Align the interfacing panels and the marked margins. Pin. Stitch the sides closed. Stitch 1/4" inside the side margins.
Trim the sides leaving only 1/4" of seam allowance.
Turn the work right side out. Trim the upper edges if needed.


Insert the lining pouch into the leather one.
Fold the upper edge of the outer bag inwards, onto the lining. Pin. Topstitch in place.

This is the front panel of the pouch decorated with the letters from the Celtic Alphabet and a design from the Celtic Motif Set.

Suede iPad Case with Embroidery image 11

This is the back panel of the pouch decorated with a design from the Celtic Motif Set.

Suede iPad Case with Embroidery image 12


Happy Stitching!

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