The CELTIC Lettering Set includes 5 designs in the satin-stitch technique.
Stitches: 5430 Size: 66 x 67 mm Colors: 4 |
Stitches: 6331 Size: 61 x 67 mm Colors: 4 |
Stitches: 5611 Size: 66 x 67 mm Colors: 4 |
Stitches: 5762 Size: 69 x 67 mm Colors: 4 |
Stitches: 4213 Size: 38 x 67 mm Colors: 4 |
There are no filling stitches between the celtic ornaments inside the letters and the edge finishing of the letters. So, the background in each letter will be your fabric.
On the project below we made the letters free-standing and then sewed them onto the top. The background of the letters is different.
You will need non-fraying fabric, such as non-woven polyester, and water-soluble stabilizer.
Hoop the fabric with the water-soluble stabilizer underneath. Embroider a letter. Feel free to choose colors to your taste.
After the embroidery is finished, dissolve the stabilizer, let the piece air dry, press with steam and cut out the letter, leaving about 1/16" of the fabric around it. The additional fabric frame will give more color to the letters.
Topstitch the letters to your project.