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Placemat and Doily with FSL Applique Daisy Border

These handsome placemat and doily are sewn with the FSL Applique Lace Daisy Border. For the placemat, we used 2 stitch-outs for the mega hoop, and for the doily we used 4 stitch-outs for the large (5" x 7") hoops.

Placemat and Doily with FSL Applique Daisy Border image 1

You will need a piece of fabric about 14" x 21".
Prepare 2 stitch-outs of the FSL Applique Lace Daisy Border.

Placemat and Doily with FSL Applique Daisy Border image 2

Finish the long raw edges of the fabric. For this, fold the raw edges 1/4" back and press. Fold again 1/4" and press. Topstitch in place.

Placemat and Doily with FSL Applique Daisy Border image 3

Position the applique stitch-outs on the short raw edges. Baste or pin in place.

Placemat and Doily with FSL Applique Daisy Border image 4

Stitch the pattern to the fabric. Use short, but not very dense zig-zag. Both in the needle and in the bobbin, use thread of the same color as the embroidery.

Placemat and Doily with FSL Applique Daisy Border image 5

Cut away the excess fabric close to the stitches.

Placemat and Doily with FSL Applique Daisy Border image 6

Stitch again, using very dense zig-zag. Both in the needle and in the bobbin, use thread of the same color as the embroidery.

Placemat and Doily with FSL Applique Daisy Border image 7

The placemat is done! The finished size is 14" x 20".

Placemat and Doily with FSL Applique Daisy Border image 8


The finished size of the doily is about 15" x 15". You will need a piece of fabric measuring about 15" x 15" and 4 stitch-outs of the FSL Applique Lace Daisy Border for the large hoop.

Placemat and Doily with FSL Applique Daisy Border image 9

Attach the embroidered patterns to the fabric as described above. Be sure to use the same thread both in the needle and in the bobbin. That's all it takes!

Happy Stitching!

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