Here are instructions to making a 2005 Calendar Holder with the design Year of the Rooster.
You will need some felt of any color measuring 12" x 24", strips of felt in yellow, blue, red or green measuring 12" x 2 1/2", a piece of cardboard or foam measuring 8" x 11"
and a small self-adhesive hook.
Step One: Take the piece measuring 12" x 24". Fold it widthwise and mark the spot for the embroidery. Unfold and embroider the design. Felt doesn't have to be stabilized, but if you are using another fabric, you might have to.
Step Two: Fold the workpiece widthwise and, using a washable marker, draw a line 2" from the right edge and another line 2" from the left edge. The lines are thick in the diagram.
Step Three: Unfold the working piece. Place the strips of colored felt along the right and left edges of the felt rectangle, as shown on the diagram. Fold along the dotted line. Machine-stitch along the lines you marked in Step Two.
Step Four: With a pair of sharp scissors cut frills along both edges, making sure you don't cut into the seams.
Step Five: Take the piece of cardboard or foam and attach the adhesive hook about 4" from the bottom. Slide the cardboad as far as it will go into the aperture at the bottom of the working piece. Make a small cut in the felt where the hook is and pull the tip of the hoop out through it.
Step Six: Attach a loop to the back side of the calendar holder. Place the holder on the wall and hang a calendar from the hook.
Your Calendar Holder is ready. Enjoy!