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Garden Flowers Table Runner

For this project we used the designs from the Garden Flower Quilt Block Set.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 1

The finished size of the table runner is about 44 1/2" x 17 1/2".

You will need 5 different fabrics for the top, DreamPoly batting and fabric for the backing.
For the top, we used batiks:
1 fat quarter of light cream batik;
1/2 yard of light green batik (this will also be used for the binding);
1 fat quarter of yellow batik;
1/2 fat quarter of orange batik;
1/2 yard of green batik.
You will also need 1 1/4 yard of fabric for backing.
If you do not have DreamPoly batting, you can use polyester felt, or any other well pressed batting.


Out of light cream fabric, cut 3 squares measuring 8 1/2" x 8 1/2" each.
Out of light green fabric, cut 12 strips measuring 1 1/2" x 8 1/2" each
Out of yellow fabric, cut 12 strips measuring 1 1/2" x 8 1/2" each
Out of orange fabric, cut 10 squares measuring 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" each
Out of green fabric, cut 4 squares measuring 10 1/2" x 10 1/2" each.

All seam allowances are 1/4". Do not forget to press seams after every step.

Step One: Stitch together the yellow and light green strips. You'll get 12 sashing units.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 2

Step Two: Attach 6 sashing units to the three cream squares, with the light green strip to the square and the yellow strip away from the square.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 3

Step Three: Attach eight orange squares to the four sashing units. Atach the remaining 2 orange squares to one sashing unit each, as shown on the picture. It is important to attach the square exactly as shown on the picture. When the green strip is on the bottom, the square should be on the left.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 4

Step Four: Attach the two sashing units with one orange square to two green squares.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 5

Step Five: assemble the first row:
A: Attach the two sashing units with two orange squares each to a cream unit;
B: Attach this new block to the green square with sashing.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 6

Step Six: the second and the third row:
A: Attach the sashing unit with two orange squares to the bottom of the cream unit;
B: Attach a green square to the new block.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 7

Step Seven: Sew the first and the second rows together.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 8

Step Eight: Attach the green square with the sashing as shown below.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 9

Step Nine: Attach the third row as shown.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 10


Choose any three designs from the Garden Flower Quilt Block Set.
Press the top and spread it over the batting. Hoop the central cream block and do the embroidery. We used the designs for mega hoop. The designs for large hoop would also look great, but the field around the embroidery would be wider.
Select threads to match the colors of your fabrics.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 11

After the first block is embroidered, spread the top over the fabric with your hands. Press with an iron. Hoop one of the cream blocks on the end and embroider it. Again, spread the fabric with your hands, then press with an iron. Embroider the remaining cream block.


Place the working piece over the backing and pin. With scissors, cut away the excess batting and fabric, but not too close. Quilt with a matching thread starting from the central block. Invisible monofilament thread might be a good choice for this piece.

Quilt around the embroidery and in the ditch. We quilted the green blocks with parallel lines.
When the quilting is done, press the working piece with steam. Be careful if you used monofilament thread. In this case, press the working piece from the back.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 12


Place the working piece on the cutting mat. With the help of a ruler and rotary cutter cut the excess batting and fabric to give the table runner its final shape.

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 13

Finish the raw edges with the binding. Press.

The table runner is ready. Enjoy!

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 14

Garden Flowers Table Runner image 15

We hope that you liked our idea and will come up with many of your own.

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