This is a very fast and simple project. The glass case features small designs from the Wild Flower Decoration Motif Set. The finished size of the glass case is about 4"x 7".
You'll need a piece of soft leatherette or polyester suede of about 10" x 18" for easier hooping, a 5" x 15" piece of soft fabric for lining, cut-away iron-on stabilizer, embroidery threads, sewing uphostery threads, embroidery needle #80/12 and sewing topstitch needle #90/14.
Out of the fabric for the glasscase's top, cut a piece of about 10" x 18". Stabilize the piece with cut-away iron-on stabilizer. On the back of the stabilizer, mark the center of the piece and draw a horizontal line through the center. The bottom of the glasscase will be on this line.
Embroider the small motifs from the Folk Style Decorative Motif Set positioning them about 1 1/2" from the drawn line.
Place the working piece on the cutting mat and trim it to 4 1/2" x 15" strip.
Out of fabric for the lining, cut a piece measuring 4 1/2" x 15".
Place the top strip and the lining strip together, face inside. Align all sides and pin them together.
Stitch the layers together 1/4" from the edge, leaving about 2" unstitched.
Trim the corners of the working piece.
Turn the workingpiece right side out through the openning. Tuck the edges of the top and the lining inside. Press from the lining's side.
Top-stitch 1/8" from the edges.
Fold the work widthwise. Align all edges. Pin the sides together. Topstitch along the long sides. Start stitching 1" from the short side with the opening. Stitch in the ditch of the previous stitch.
The back of the glasscase: